intraMAX is exploding in popularity. One of the reasons we attribute the surge in order is due to the vitamin D and the fact that it is an all-in-one liquid formulation. 

The UK Government recommends supplementing with vitamin D on a daily basis from an early age.  The average diet generally does not meet the RDAs for this nutrient AND unfortunately few of us get enough sunshine either – a major source of vitamin D. 

What is Vitamin D

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble nutrient and is vital to the health of the human body. Vitamin D increases the absorption of minerals – like magnesium, phosphate and calcium – and has numerous other effects within the bodily systems to maintain health.

What is the importance of Vitamin D?

Vitamin D regulates phosphate and calcium levels in the body in order to maintain bone, teeth, and musculature health. Vitamin D protects the body from a variety of conditions such as rickets, osteomalacia (soft bones), osteoporosis and bone fractures to name but a few.

Vitamin D Benefits

The significant role that vitamin D plays in the body is unquestionable. Some of the benefits include:

  • Regulation of mood, helping to stave off depression
  • Fighting disease
  • Maintaining bone strength
  • Immune System Support – reduces the likelihood of the flu and other viruses
  • Decreasing the chance of heart disease
  • Boosting weight loss
  • Maintaining phosphate and calcium levels in the blood
  • Ensuring the ability of intestines to absorb calcium

Vitamin D Deficiency

Unfortunately it is too easy to become deficient in vitamin D.  Your body will show signs of this deficiency within a short period of time. A global problem, Vitamin D deficiency and the symptoms include:

  • Fatigue
  • Hair loss
  • Muscle pain and weakness
  • Muscle cramps
  • Back pain
  • Bone pain
  • Bone density loss
  • Depression and other mood changes
  • Increased likelihood of catching viruses more often
  • Impaired healing of wounds

Good Sources of Vitamin D

It is possible to get sufficient levels of vitamin D to maintain and even improve your health; however,  in order to obtain sufficient levels it needs to include supplementation.  The vitamin D levels are not typically in the foods we eat and we often are unable to get out in the sunshine and acquire sufficient levels. 

Good sources of vitamin D include:

  • 20 minutes of sun exposure at least three times a week
  • Eating foods rich in vitamin D such as salmon, tuna, sardines, yoghurt and fortified cereal
  • Taking nutritional supplements which contain vitamin D

Why Take a Vitamin D Supplement?

A common-known source of vitamin D is sunshine; however, many of us do not get enough beneficial sun. Even if we live in a sunny country, our work lives and schedules often prevent us from enough time outside.  Everything is inside – work, gym, exercise classes, grocery shopping, car parks, trains, buses, home life… With the coronavirus pandemic, we are inside now more than ever. To keep our systems healthy, vitamin D supplementation is crucial.

How Much Vitamin D Should You Take Per Day

Individuals have varying vitamin D needs; however the ideal amount recommended by the NHS is 10 micrograms per day.

How much vitamin D does the intraMAX daily dosage contain? 10 micrograms per serving size which is ideal for most people.

Many of our customers have asked, “Can you get liquid vitamin D?” The answer to this is a resounding “YES”. In fact, liquid vitamin D is much more easily absorbed by the body and ideal for those who have difficulty swallowing vitamin pills. These are just two of the reasons why liquid vitamin D is better than vitamin D tablets.


Vitamin D is valuable and necessary to the body in many ways.  Supplementation with intraMAX is ideal.  It is a liquid supplement and helps to support bone health and immune system health.  Overall, the carbon-bond organic liquid vitamin formulation enables the body to obtain the maximum levels of vitamin D and digest and assimilate with ease in comparison to capsules or tablets.